Twitter is a very popular social networking sites abroad, and at home a lot of similar sites such as Sina, everyone whose characters are limited to 140 characters or less, although the similarities there are many but the idea, after all, is not quite the same. Got a lot of friends in the country wanted to try Twitter over the wall, due to limit the inconvenience to a lot of people over the wall, xiaobian today to share with you a clean way of climbing over the wall, install a browser plug-in can be easily reached over the wall on Twitter, here everyone look a go
1. on the install Google Chrome browser, then sign up for a Google account and log in to the Google Chrome browser.
2. click on the top left of the Google Chrome browser, the Google Chrome app store interface.
3. in applying the scientific Internet search bar loses, will give rise to two plug-in at this time, our job can be. Such as apricot, just click install.
4. the plugin installation is complete after one more icon in the upper right corner of the address bar, and click on register.
5. we have just registered account login for the Red apricot, then directly enter the Twitter URL in the address bar opens.