
Help! I Cannot Uninstall Amaya HTML Editor?


     Do you want to uninstall Amaya HTML Editor but you don't know how to do this? If this is the case then I will tell you the exact method to completely uninstall and remove Amaya HTML Editor from your computer in 6 easy to perform steps.
However, keep in mind that the uninstall operation might not work. If this is the case then don't worry. I've created a "worse case scenario" plan for you.

How to Uninstall Amaya HTML Editor from my PC?

  1. Click Start Menu and then click Control Panel
  2. Double click Add/ Remove Programs and navigate " Amaya HTML Editor"
  3. Click "Remove" to uninstall it
  4. Click "Uninstall" when the program pops up
  5. Select the programs you want to uninstall
  6. Click "Next" and uninstall it

Try it now, you can imagine the effect, just to give you a surprise, you no longer have to worry about your computer during the critical time of strike. Don't have to worry about the last report their work did not finish, the teacher had instructed jobs not submitted in a timely manner. Perfect uninstall, not common sense.


